This page shows the results of my clustering algorithm applied to Twitter data, used for research on social media propaganda groups.

The PHP source code for the algorithm can be downloaded here. The JSON explorer used for the data is the jQuery JSONView plugin.

Currently showing analysis for:

Closeness function:

  • nof_original_tweets: the number of original tweets (not replies) that a group/user has posted, in the dataset
  • nof_replies: the number of replies to original tweets or replies that a group/user has posted, in the dataset
  • nof_own_replies: the number of replies to original tweets of users in the group or replies of users in the group that a group/user has posted, in the dataset
  • nof_retweets: the number of retweets of original tweets or replies that a group/user has performed, in the dataset
  • nof_own_retweets: the number of retweets of original tweets of users in the group or replies of users in the group that a group/user has performed, in the dataset
  • nof_likes: the number of likes of original tweets or replies that a group/user has performed, in the dataset
    nof_own_replies: the number of likes of original tweets of users in the group or replies of users in the group that a group/user has performed, in the dataset